থাকব সবাই খোশ মেজাজে

লেখক – কেমনামি বোকানি

থাকব সবাই খোশ মেজাজে,  

হেসেই হব খান-খান,

খারাপ টাকে মারব ঘুষি 

বানাবো তাকে আন-বান।

থামব না কো কষ্ট পেয়ে 

রাখবনা ওই শব্দটা,

সময় আমার, বাঁচা আমার,  

রাঙিয়ে দেব আমার রঙে 

সাজবে নতুন আমার আপন জীবনটা। 

মনেই দুঃখ, মনেই সুখ, মনটা আমার। 

যে কেউ সেথায় পড়বে ঢুকে, 

জায়গা তাকে দিতেই হবে,  

সময় তাকে দিতেই হবে, 

এমন নিয়ম কিসের নিয়ম?  

রাজ্য আমার, রাজা আমি, 

আমিই বুঝব কি দাম কার। 

থাকব সবাই খোশ মেজাজে 

হেসেই হব খান-খান,

খারাপ টাকে মারব ঘুষি,  

বানাবো তাকে আন-বান।

কলকাতা | অক্টোবর ০৫, ২০২১ 

Three miles on a bicycle .. Ramnagar in 1960

First Posted on May 1, 2012 by sitardivine

I still remember the three miles on a bicycle, seating on a small seat in front of my father. Now I know it was 24 October in the year 1960. A little calculation tells me that I was then six years old. We went to Ramnagar two days earlier. I did not understand why we were there but liked the rural ambiance… the huge expanse of paddy ground.. the sunflowers… the trees everywhere.. the Magnolia tree in front of the small bungalow.  Huge playground not far from the house.. the smell of cooking of fresh chicken or hunted duck curry in the evening… the tube-well on the other side.. the blackberry and custard apple trees… the litchi tree, the olive and tamarind trees … the flowers.. the breeze.. the fresh air, clear moonlit sky far from the madding Calcutta crowd.

Papa told me that he would go somewhere a bit far from Ramnagar. I constantly went on requesting that I would like to be with him.

So, he tried to arrange some transport to accommodate me and finally managed to find a bicycle that has a small seat in the front. I was happy and took the ride with him on that little red baby seat. I remember there were quite a few others who were in the group and all on bicycles. It was a bumpy village road and too long for me on that uncomfortable seat. Still, I enjoyed the ride.. the only bicycle ride I ever had with my father!

I don’t clearly remember how Bado-Jatha [my uncle] joined us. Now I know that his presence was very important, he had to sign the gift deed on behalf of Dadu [grandfather]. He transferred the land to Papa’s name.  I remember I saw Jatha [jathA]  at Chandpara. He was there at the Sub-Registrar’s office. Jatha possibly reached there directly by train from Calcutta on the same day. I remember Arekta-Jatha [another uncle] came to the office with us. He was among us in the Ramnagar bicycle group.

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Oh yes! I forgot to tell you what Ramnagar was.  This was a name of a place that my Dadu owned. This was not far from the then Pakistan border at Bangaon. This was about three miles from Chandpara and two and a half-mile from Thakurnagar, the two close-by railway stations. This is now under the post office Ramchandrapur.  Dadu [grandfather] purchased a piece of land during early 1940s or late 1930s. I hear that it was a stretch of 4000 bighas  [1322.4 Acres  or 532.2 hectare]. After Indian independence the government introduced land ceiling and he lost a large part of the land [He never received any compensation on that though!]. However, at one point the land area came to as little as around 6.5 acres and at that point Dadu decided to gift the land to my father.  Now I can imagine, that too was not too small an area..

Back to the story and making the long story short, the land got transferred to Papa after the legal formalities and we all came back to Ramnagar.

I discovered that Gift-deed today lying in an old worn-out packet… Today is the 2012 May Day (01 May]. I thought digitization of the document is a good idea. So, I scanned the document and here it is for you.. It feels good to lay my hands over these old pieces of paper that no more possess the symbol of ownership. The land is still there but not with us… but the memory is still fresh and alive.. Enjoying the old memories!

Some updates:

My Dada [Mahiruha Shekhar Banerjee] called me after looking at the draft post and pointed out that Dadu actually purchased 1600 bighas [526.96 acre or 214.08 hectare] of land in the year 1935.

নিখুঁত আমি, আর সবেতে গণ্ডগোল!

লেখক – কেমনামি বোকানি*  

ভাবছিলাম আমি একজন দারুণ লেখক। আর মানুষ হিসেবে? এক্কেবারে, যাকে বলে নিখুঁত।  আরে আরে রেগে যাচ্ছেন কেন? ভাবতে কি অসুবিধে বলুন তো মশাই? এবার সত্যি কথাটা শুনুন, যখন লিখতে শুরু করলাম তখন আমার সব বিদ্যে-বুদ্ধি অসভ্যের মতন দাঁত বের করে  সামনে এসে দাঁড়িয়ে পড়ল। আমি তো লজ্জায় কুপোকাত! এতটা হরিদাস পাল নিজেকে কখনোই ভাবতে পারিনা।   

এবার ভণিতা ছেড়ে অন্য কথায় আসি। সেতো সাড়ে ছয় দশক পেরিয়ে প্রায় সাত দশক হতে চলল, আমার মতন দশাসই অকাজের মানুষের ওজন বয়ে চলতে ধরতী-মায়ের মুখে কোন রা নেই, অন্য দেবতারাও তেমন করে কোন আওয়াজ ওঠাচ্ছেন না। কিন্তু, সময় নিয়ে কিছুটা সমস্যা বোধ হচ্ছে। সময়টাকে সুন্দর করে তোলাটা যে যেমন-তেমন কাজ নয় সেটা সহজেই বুঝতে পারি। সময়টা সুযোগ পেলেই ব্রহ্মদত্যির মতন হুড়মুড় করে ঘাড়ে চেপে বসে ঘাড় মটকে দিতে  চায়, কিন্তু ওকে দিয়ে আদর করিয়ে নিতে গেলে বা সুন্দর গল্পে মন ভুলিয়ে নিতে গেলেই মহা-চাপ। 

কথাপ্রসঙ্গে বলি, এই ‘চাপ’  কথাটা আজকাল বেশ জমিয়ে চলছে। আজকের বাঙ্গালীদের জন্য ‘চাপ’ নিয়ে থিওরি কষার দরকার পড়েনা। কাকারা চাপে ও তাপে বেশ আছেন। কারুরই খুব একটা নিজেকে নিয়ে ভাববার সময় নেই, অনেক মানুষই প্রায় নিঃস্বার্থভাবে অন্যের কি করা উচিত তা নিয়ে চিন্তিত হয়ে পড়েন। এতে, যারা ভাবছেন তাদের চাপ বাড়ে,বহু ক্ষেত্রে রক্তচাপও হয়ত বাড়ে। অনেকেই নিশ্চয় দুঃখিত হয়ে পড়েন যে তাদের এত ভাবা সত্যেও,  যাকে বা যাদের নিয়ে তারা চিন্তিত তাদের খুব একটা হেলদুল দেখতে পান না। বাংলায় এই ধরনের ঘটনাকেই বোধহয় বলে; “কবি এখানেই কেঁদেছেন”, এটি একটি বিশেষ বাগধারা বা লব্জ যাকে সোজা বাংলায় “বেঙ্গলী ইডিয়ম” বলা চলে।

কথা হচ্ছে, কবি না কাঁদলেও রাগ তো হতেই পারে। যারা সমাজসেবী তাদের কথা আলাদা, তাঁদের  জীবনই তো অন্যদের জন্যে উৎসর্গিত, আর এই ভাবনা তাঁদের সেবার অঙ্গ। যারা দেশ চালান বা দেশ চালানর কাজে যুক্ত হতে চান বা যে কোন অর্থে মানুষের সেবায় নিয়োজিত তাদের নিয়ে লিখছিনা, আমার লেখা এঁদের অতিরিক্ত মানুষজন নিয়ে। এই ধরনের মানুষজন অনেক বড় বড় ব্যপারের সাথে নিজেদের যুক্ত রাখেন, যেমন, কিউবার রাজনীতি বা দক্ষিণ আফ্রিকার অর্থনীতি। তখনই ছোটখাটো বিষয়ে চিন্তা করেন যখন নিজে কোন কারণে আটকে পড়েন। এই অসুবিধেটা অন্য কারুর বা ত্রুটিপূর্ণ ব্যাবস্থার দোষে হয়েছে, এ বিষয়ে তাদের খুব একটা সন্দেহ থাকেনা। ওই মানুষটা যদি এমনটি  করতেন তাহলেই তো কাজটা হয়ে যেত অথবা বর্তমান দোষপূর্ণ ব্যবস্থাই সব গণ্ডগোলের জড়। আমি ব্যাপারটাকে সাপোর্ট করি। তাই তো বলি; নিখুঁত আমি, আর সবেতে গণ্ডগোল!  

*নামটা দুষ্টুমি করে বদলে দেওয়া। “কেমনামি বোকানি” আসলে ভুল নিয়মের বাংলা বাক্য, যেখানে কেমন+আমি=কেমনামি, আর ‘না’ কে ‘নি’ লেখা হয়েছে, বোকা + নি (না) = বোকানি; কেমনামি বোকানি –> কেমন আমি, বোকা না? আরে আরে, রেগে যাচ্ছেন কেন? পরশুরামের ভাষায়; “হয় হয়, zaনতি পারনা” [দক্ষিণ-চব্বিশ-পরগণা অঞ্চলে নকারাত্মক অর্থে ‘নি’ এর প্রয়োগের বহুলতা দেখে পাওয়া যায়। যেমন, যাবেনি? দেবেনি? ইত্যাদি। যদিও ‘বোকানি’ সেভাবে হয়ত প্রয়োগ হয়না।]       

লেখক সঞ্জয় বন্দ্যোপাধ্যায় বলছেন; “এ লেখাটা যদি ভাল লাগে তাহলে প্রশংসা আমাকেই করবেন। কিন্তু যদি পড়ে কিলোতে ইচ্ছে হয় তবে সে দায়িত্ব আমার নয়। সত্যি বলছি, ছোড়দি আর রাতু ভাল ভাল করেছে, তাই গ্যাস খেয়ে থাকতে না পেরে লেখাটা পাবলিক করে দিলাম। খারাপ লাগলে জানাবেন, ওদের ঠিকানা দিয়ে দেব।”

Some Lectures from CEC-UGC

In this page we picked and linked some YouTube videos on Research Methodology, videos published by the Consortium for Educational Communication, UGC.

Introduction to Research Methodology

This lecture focuses on ‘How to Select Research Problem?’ and other issues.

Research Methodology : Qualitative Research (Content Analysis)

Research Methodology : Visual Research Method

Research Method : Case Studies Vs Theoretical Studies

Adieu Sikkim University

The June 30, 2021 was the last working day of Professor [Pt.] Sanjoy Bandopadhyay at the Sikkim University

From Facebook

SUTA [Sikkim University Teachers’ Association] on WhatsApp |

[1:14 PM, 6/30/2021] Prof. Sanjoy Bandopadhyay writes

It is time to say goodbye to all my colleagues at Sikkim University. It was a prized four years for me! I cherish my opportunities to interact, learn, and getting enriched with such a band of wise people like you. I am leaving Sikkim University with countless happy memories. I am glad that I could be with you. 

I wish all my colleagues many bright and grand moments ahead. I am sure that the future is waiting with well-laid stairs to take you to the apex. 

With warmest regards: Sanjoy Bandopadhyay🙏🙏🙏


[1:24 PM, 6/30/2021] +91 89670 36279: Our all best wishes are with you and family Sir. You have contributed a lot to our University. Thank you so much.😀🙏


[1:33 PM, 6/30/2021] +91 70479 97045: All the best for future endeavours… Sir 🙏🙏🙏🙏


[1:50 PM, 6/30/2021] Jasmine, Asst. Professor, SU Mass Comm: Wishing you joy, peace and good health, Sir!


[2:02 PM, 6/30/2021] Yadida Bhutiya SU, Associate Professor, Education: It was nice knowing you Sir and working with you in a committee. May you have all the joy, happiness, prosperity and good health. With high regards.


[2:11 PM, 6/30/2021] Sandhya Thapa, Associate Professor SU Sociology: Thank you so much for your contributions in Sikkim University n  Sikkim at large  for consolidating music department here. . You had given me an opportunity  to share music from Sociological  lens

..that was the wonderful  experience i had in music department.  Wish you all joy prosperity, good health.as well as happy days ahead., Prof Bandopadhya


[4:05 PM, 6/30/2021] S.S. Mahapatra, Professor & Head, Commerce: It was a pleasure to work with you. We wish you good health and happy retired life.


[4:08 PM, 6/30/2021] +91 94345 52502: Wish you a healthy and happy life ahead sir.  Hope your guidance will continue to the department 🙏


[4:55 PM, 6/30/2021] +91 98731 22054: Congratulations Sir for an eventful tenure at the music department.We wish you a very happy and healthy life ahead.

May your 2nd innings be more versatile.



[4:57 PM, 6/30/2021] +91 86709 84192: Congratulations Sir. I WISH YOU a happy  and musical life ahead.


[11:10 AM, 7/01/2021] Aneera P Lepcha, SU  : Congratulations Sir,  I wish you happy life ahead.


Music Department, SU on WhatsApp

[12:29 PM, 6/30/2021] Krishnendu Dutta, Associate Professor & Head, Music: Dear all

Good afternoon!

Our music department is like an extended family and Sanjay Sir is our guiding guardian. Unfortunately, he will not be in Gangtok from tomorrow.  Maybe it’s my turn after that based on age.  None of us will be here forever.  But the department will remain forever. And as long as the department exists, the name of Prof Sanjay Sir will stay always in every way in the history of Sikkim University, Department of Music.


[1:51 PM, 6/30/2021] Atish Tamang, PhD Scholar: Farewell Sir🌷🤍


[1:52 PM, 6/30/2021] Priyanka Pradhan, PG Student,: 😓


[2:38 PM, 6/30/2021] +91 86383 08470: We all will miss you sir💐


[3:23 PM, 6/30/2021] Ashis Sinchuri SU Student, PG student: Farewell Sir. It was really an honor and privilege to have you as our Guru.


[3:38 PM, 6/30/2021] +91 60003 00945: Farewell sir🌸🙏🏻


[4:01 PM, 6/30/2021] Vivek Basnet, PG student: Dear guruji, We all miss you  It was really a wonderful time with you ❤


[4:13 PM, 6/30/2021] Anuraag Gajamer Student: Thank you for everything that you have done for us Sir. The knowledge and wisdom which you imparted unto us will guide us through this journey of life.🌺🌻🌸


Chosen personal messages through WhatsApp

Santosh Kumar, Asst. Professor, Music, SU, 6/28/2021, 7:27 p.m.

Thank you very much sir, since last 4 years, you were part of many good times of our family with your blessings. Not only this, I have personally learnt a lot regarding academic, career and life. 

Keep your blessings sir 😊

At this age your enthusiasm for the work is remarkable and should learnt a lot from you.

Happy journey and hope to see you soon with some new assignments.



Milind Dhamala, PhD Scholar, 6/30/2021, 9:39 a.m.

Pranam Guruji🙏 i wish we could meet before you leave but I really look forward to meeting you again in future. I have few things to say, firstly we all are tremendously thankful for everything you’ve done for us, without you things wouldn’t have been possible, we wouldn’t have learned so much about research in so little time although we know very little about it; but whatever we learned, we learned from you. Thank you for being an amazing teacher (though some of us couldn’t be good students), a father figure and an inspiration to do well in life. We never really realize the value of a person until they’re gone. We used to talk about how our department has progressed since the day you entered but we were also very careless at times by not completing the tasks you had given us. I personally want to apologize for every mistake I’ve done and will always remember you and the lessons you’ve given us. We will always say it if anyone asks us about who our teacher was, “Pandit Sanjay Bandopadhya” you will be greatly missed and thank you once again for every little thing you’ve done for us. I wish you a very healthy life ahead and a safe journey. With love, Millind 🙏❤


Anuraag Gajamer, PhD Scholar, 6/30/2021, 2:06 p.m.

Thank you for everything that you have done for us Sir. The knowledge and wisdom which you imparted unto us will guide us through this journey of life.🌺🌻🌸


Siddhant Rai, PhD Scholar, 6/30/2021, 2:16 p.m.

Thankyou Sir for all that you did for us and our department. I am truly blessed having taught by you even if it was for a short while. Thank you for creating such standard in the department. Farewell sir!


[9:29 PM, 6/30/2021] Hemant Biswakarma SU BPA 3rd Sem: Guruji 

Aap ja rahe hai toh mujhe lag raha hai ke 

Mere body se koi part mujse door ja raha hai

Guruji mere leye aap bahut he zeyada important hai 

Mere jewan ka bahut he behtarin Palo mai ek jo maine aapke sath betaya 

Mujhe nahi lagta aapke jaisa guru hame koi or mil payega 

Bikhre huwe thee hum aap ne samet deya 

Aadhure se thee aapne aake pura kar deya 

I know guruji main bahut aacha student toh nahi ho saka jiske leye mafe chata hu 

Safe journey guruji I will always miss you 🙏😢

————– Reply ———-

[10:34 AM, 7/1/2021] Prof. Sanjoy Bandopadhyay: Aare Gurujee, kayse baat kar rahe hain. Tu itnaa achchha hain, ki kya bataayun! Thoda saa man lagaake kaam kar, dekh kya jaadu hotaa hain. FIUT and GRIT yaad rakhna.. Tu bahut achchha hain. Love you ❤️!

—————— Reply—

[10:50 AM, 7/1/2021] Hemant Biswakarma SU BPA 3rd Sem: I will miss you guruji🥺🥺


Dr Yadida Bhutia’s quick 60 secs. touch down to say goodbye during late  afternoon of June 30, 2021. 

Dr. Yadida Bhutia and Professor Sanjoy bandopadhyay

Earlier, Professor Abhijit Dutta. Dean, School of Professional Studies visited Professor Sanjoy a couple of times to say him Good Bye. Same for Dr. Rama Mohan, Associate Professor in Anthropology. Dr. Mohan later on July 05 he wrote in a WhatsApp message, “Good evening Sir, Hope you have settled back.
Miss all your enlightening discussions, Regards”.

I remember Dr Samidha Vedabala, who is my student too, and an Assistant Professor of the Department of Music especially visited me to say adieu from SU. She came with some delicious food!


A phone call

It was June 30, 2021, and the time was 3:38 p.m. Dr. Swati Sachdeva, Associate Professor in Sociology, gave me a tinkle. She talked, took her own time to say me adieu. 


A quick farewell on the June 30 evening

Dr Krishnendu Dutta, the Head of the Department of Music, arranged a quick online farewell on the evening of July 30. Md. Ibran, an M.Phil scholar, coordinated the occasion. A good number of students and faculty members participated.

I am personally delighted to observe that my students recalled my tips for success and self-development like FIUT & GRIT, TAKING PRIDE ON FAILURES, YOU ARE YOUR OWN TEACHER and others.


On a Personal Note

Dr. Samidha Vedabala with Professor Sanjoy Bandopadhyay

Two PG students Manisha and Saraswati came with her and traditionally garlanded me with khAdA.


The departure from Sikkim

L to R : Prof. Sanjoy Bandopadhyay, Dr. Krishnendu Dutta, Mr. Subham Peter Gazmer

A foggy morning, it was July 1 of 2021. Professor Bandopadhyay sat on a car slightly before  6:00 a.m. at Entel, 6th Mile. It was time for him to leave Gangtok finally. Professor Sanjoy was happily remembering the joys of completing his four years of eventful involvement with the music academia at Sikkim University. Dr Krishnendu Dutta, the Head of the Department of Music, and Mr Subham Peter Gazmer were present during the final moments of his departure from Sikkim. Subham stayed with the Professor for more than two and a half years, a bright PhD scholar. Those four young hands were there to sign happy Good Bye! 


WhatsApp never sleeps! The story goes on… Here are a few more to put this note to an end.

On 12 July, 2021 morning Professor Sanjoy Bandopadhyay wrote:

I have created a report, ‘Adieu Sikkim University’ on my website where I mentioned you. I have primarily used WhatsApp and Facebook messages. This write-up is surely many light-years away from an exciting reading.

I am sharing this scratchy note with you remembering the building up of an exquisite relationship that was naturally shaped during my four-year association with Sikkim University. The link: https://sanjoybandopadhyay.com/adieu-sikkim-university/ || End of note


Aparajita Chakraborty, former PG student, 12.07.2021, 2:06 pm responds:

Although I was not lucky enough to be there and bid you goodbye in person, but extremely delighted to get glimpses of these very heartfelt messages, notes and best wishes💕

Indeed Sikkim University and most importantly the music department will always miss your presence Sir❤️

It was the golden time for the department of Music and its students for sure💕❤️❤️❤️💕


Milind Dhamala, PhD Scholar, 12.07.2021, 2:42 pm responds

This is really very beautiful Guruji 👏🏼👏🏼 we were indeed very blessed to have you in our dept 💚


Anuraag Gajamer, PhD Scholar, 12.07.2021, 3:02 pm

Without you sir the department won’t be the same. We will miss you, Sir.


Dr. Sandhya Thapa, Associate Professor in Sociology, 12.07.2021, 6:16 p.m.

Awesome Prof Bandopadhya, the way you give the essence to small things n made it memorable… you will be remembered always, sir.


Remembering VK on the 2nd night of 2013

First posted on January 5, 2013 by sitardivine

L to R : Pt.Sanjoy Bandopadhyay, rabbi Eduardo, Jon Barlow

Vilayetkhani Kanada

2012 was about to end, it was a cold December morning. I received a phone call from my dear Jon. Jon Barlow is a kind of an omnipresent person in the Hindusthani music scenario. He can be seen anywhere in India or different parts of the globe… be it Kolkata, Dharwad, Goa, Mumbai,  Paris or Sydney. This senior gurubhai wanted me to give a performance. He offered two dates to choose from, one was the 1st January night or the 2nd .   I was free on the 2nd and choose to play on this day. Later I found out that the concert would be  at Dupli’s residence [Dr. Kingshook Biswas] and I became even happier.

I reached the mathematician’s den in the evening and pleased to discover many close friends and some serious musicians assembled to listen to the music. Prabhu Edouard, the tabla maestro from Paris, was already there. Jon had already told me that Prabhu would provide me with the tabla support. I started with Sajgiri followed by a Madhya laya gat in Anandi-Kalyan. The audience request came for Kirwani. So, that became the next item. I remembered that I last played the raga at Swami Haridas Sangeet Sammelan in Bombay long back in 1976.  When I finished Kirwani it was about 10 at night.  The audiences wanted more so we decided to sit again after dinner! The famous Bablu, who has been serving Jon for the last 30 years [or longer?] cooked for us a tasty dinner. Babui was with me. Babui has become quite a notable sarod player [Saugata Roy Chaudhury] and regularly performing in venerable venues in Europe. We were discussing on what can be the next raga. Suddenly it clicked… why not try ‘Vilayatkhani Kanada’?… He liked the idea very much and became quite excited.  I  never seriously tried this raga and did not have the opportunity to even listen to Ustad Vilayat Khan excepting a glimpse for say 5 mins. So I plunged into Vilayatkhani Kanada.

I had a tiny voice recorder with me. It was not a very good one. I could not position the microphone nicely. so many  details are lost.. still I thought it  is not too bad an idea to put it before you.. although a scratchy recording. I hope you, as a connoisseur will fill the gaps…

Click here to listen to the Vilayetkhani Kanada (bhIlAyetkhAni kAnARA)

Posted in PerformancesZ-Space. Tags: . Bookmark the permalinkEdit

‘১৩ জুলাই ২০১৮ আমার মৃত্যুদিন’ – চিত্রগুপ্ত কি চটজলদি কিছু আপডেট করলেন?

First posted on July 22, 2018 by sitardivine

সমুদ্রে প্রচণ্ড ঢেউ, ডুবেই  যাচ্ছি,  শরীরটাকেও ধরে রাখা যাচ্ছেনা, স্রোত  টেনে নিয়ে যাচ্ছে ! পারের জেলেটিকে  আমার মেয়ে বল্ল,  একটু এগিয়ে গিয়ে  বাবাকে  বাঁচিয়ে নাও। “না দিদি, পারবোনা ।”

বেশ কিছুদিন  ধরেই  আমরা ভাবছিলাম  কোথাও  একটু বেড়িয়ে  এলে  কেমন হয়।   মেয়ের  বিয়ের  পর  আমাদের সবাই  মিলে কোথাও  যাওয়াই হয়নি। টিপাই-র বুক করা হেনরি আইল্যান্ড এর মনোরম অতিথিশালায় যখন পৌঁছুলাম তখন সন্ধ্যে হয় হয়। তারপর তো  জমজমাট পার্টি! শুতে শুতে বেশ অনেকটাই রাত হয়ে গেলো। ভোর পৌনে পাঁচটায়, তখন ও ঘুম পুরো হয়নি, ফোন বেজে উঠল;  “বীচে যাবে নাকি?”  মিম্মাইর ফোন। আমি  ঝটপট তৈরি হয়ে নিলাম, দুজন ড্রাইভারকেও  জাগানো হল। আমার গিন্নি বললেন, তাঁর তৈরি হতে কিছুটা সময় লাগবে। মা আর রুশাই  অন্য ঘরে  ছিল। রুশাই এর ও ঘুম জরুরী। তাই, ওরা তিনজন রয়ে গেলো। আমরা পাঁচজন;  সতুদা, বৌদি, টিপাই, মিম্মাই আর আমি গাড়ী চেপে রওনা হয়ে গেলাম। গাড়ী পৌঁছে দিলো একটা বাঁশের সাঁকোর সামনে।

নীল-সাদা রং করা  বাঁশের সাঁকো পেরুতেই   সমুদ্রের আওয়াজ কানে এলো। মনটা খুশীতে ভরে গেলো, সমুদ্র যদিও তখনও  দেখা যাচ্ছেনা। রুশাইর পছন্দ আর আমার গিন্নীর সমর্থনে একটা দামী ফোন কিনেছিলাম। ওটি বেশ ভালো ছবি তোলেন আর পকেটেও সহজেই চলে আসেন, তাই এবার  আর ক্যামেরা বা আই-প্যাড নিয়ে যাইনি। হৈ-চৈ করে ছবি তুলতে থাকলাম। নিজে ছবি তুলি, আর নিজেই খুশি হই। মাঝে মাঝে তারিফ পাওয়ার জন্য, কখনো সতুদা বা কখনো বৌদিকে ছবিগুলো দেখাই। মিম্মাই আর টিপাই কে দেখিয়ে লাভ নেই, কারণ ওদের পকেটেও ওই  যন্ত্র বা ওর থেকেও  ভালো যন্ত্র আছে। যাই  হোক ,  শেষ পর্যন্ত  বীচে  পৌঁছে গেলাম। দেখলাম বেশ বড় বড় কয়েকটা  সাইনবোর্ড।অতো সুন্দরের  মাঝে  কেউ কি আর পড়াশুনো করে? হয়ত’  পড়লাম, কিন্তু কিছুই  মাথায় ঢুকলোনা।

সমুদ্রতটে পৌঁছে  দেখলাম সামনে  অল্প  একটু জল, ওটা পেরুলেই  চড়া, আর  তার পরই দিগন্তজোড়া সমুদ্র –  তাতে সূর্য উঠছে!  সমুদ্র যেন হাতছানি দিয়ে ডাকল, ‘চলে এসো’। আমরা  পাঁচজনেই ছপ-ছপ  করে  জল পেরিয়ে চরায় গিয়ে   উঠলাম।  মনটা ভরে গেলো। সতুদা আর টিপাই আরও এগিয়ে সমুদ্রের জলে পা ভেজাল।  আমি আসার আগে ইন্টারনেট এ  হেনরি আইল্যান্ড সম্বন্ধে কিছুটা পড়েছিলাম। জেনেছিলাম, ওখানে চোরাবালি আছে। বাচ্চাদের মনের জোর অনেক বেশী, রুশাই কে বলাতে ও মুচকি হেসেছিল, হয়ত মনে মনে বলেছিল ‘বাবাইটাকে নিয়ে আর পারা যায়না’।  যাই হোক আমি নিজে খুব সাবধানে পা ফেলে ফেলে চলছিলাম, যাতে  বালি নরম পেলেই টের পাই। দেখলাম সমুদ্রের কাছে সহজেই পোঁছে গেলাম। আনন্দ  আর ধরেনা। ছবির পর  ছবি তুলতে শুরু করলাম। সতুদা নানা পোজ দিয়ে  ছবি তুলল, একটা ছবি আবার বৌদিকে আধ-জড়িয়ে। টিপাই একদম ছবি তোলাতে চায়না। বৌদি বল্ল, ওর কয়েকটা ছবি তুলে দাও। দুর থেকে জুম করে যতটা  তোলা যায় তুললাম। কিন্তু ওভাবে কি আর ভালো ছবি হয়?  তখন ওকে বললাম, ‘এই  কাছে আয়, তোর সাথে দু-একটা সেলফি  তুলি। ও আপত্তি করলনা। স্ক্রিন এ ওর বাবা-মা আসছিল, বল্ল, তাড়াতাড়ি তোল, ওঁরাও ছবিতে চলে আসুক। সতুদাকে ফ্রেমে ধরা গেলনা, কিন্তু বৌদিকে ধরতে পারলাম।

তাখন সমুদ্র অল্প অল্প করে বাড়তে শুরু করেছে। টিপাই আর মিম্মাই সকালের প্রয়োজনে  আমাদের ছেড়ে আবার ওই ছপ-ছপ করে জল পেরিয়ে চলে গেলো। আমার বুড়ো-বুড়ীরা  তখন চরাতে হইচই করছি।  কিছুক্ষণ চলার পড় মনে হল এখন ফেরা যাক।

সমুদ্রের দিক থেকে মুখ ফিরিয়ে দেখি মিম্মাই আর তার মা তটে  চলে  এসেছে। তখনই টের পেলাম সমুদ্র বেশ তাড়াতাড়ি  উথাল পাথাল করতে শুরু করেছে। সতুদা কে ডাকলাম, ‘তাড়াতাড়ি চলে আয়’। ও বোধ হয় ঠিক বুঝতে পারলনা। আমি ফেরার জন্যে হাঁটতে শুরু করেছি, সাথে বৌদি, সতুদা বেশ কিছুটা দুরে। আমি আর বৌদি তখন চেঁচাতে শুরু করেছি, ‘তাড়াতাড়ি এসো’, ‘তাড়াতাড়ি আয়’।

চরার শেষ প্রান্তে এসে দেখি, সেই অল্প জল প্রায় চারগুণ চওড়া হয়ে গেছে। কোথা দিয়ে যে ফিরব  ঠিক করতে সময় লাগছে। মিম্মাই বল্ল,  ‘ওদিক দিয়ে এসো’, ওদিকটা কিছুটা কম  চওড়া। ওই প্রান্তে গিয়ে দেখছি পার ভাঙতে শুরু করেছে। তখনই বুঝলাম,  যত দেরী হবে ততই তীরে  পৌঁছোতে পারার সম্ভাবনা  কমতে থাকবে। তখনও সতুদা বেশ কিছুটা দুরে।  অবস্থার ভয়াবহতা তখনো ও জানেনা। যাই হোক। নেমেই দেখলাম হাঁটু জল, জলে বেশ তোড়। হাঁটতে  শুরু করলাম,  যতটা তাড়াতাড়ি ওই স্রোতে হাঁটতে পারি। যতই সামনে এগুচ্ছি জল বাড়ছে, হাঁটু থেকে বুক, বুক থেকে গলা, তারপর তারও  ওপরে। মুখে নোনা জল ঢুকে যাচ্ছে, আর পা পাচ্ছিনা। ছোটবেলায়  ঢাকুরিয়াতে ‘ডগস ক্রল’ শিখেছিলাম, চেষ্টা করলাম, তেমন কোন কাজে এলনা। সমুদ্র তখন এই ভারী শরীরটাকেও ভাসিয়ে দুরে নিয়ে যাচ্ছে। যখন মাথা উঠল, তখন জেলেটিকে বললাম সাহায্য করতে, সে স্পষ্ট ‘না’ বলে দিলো। আমি মিম্মাই কে বললাম ‘তুই দৌড়ো’। গিন্নিকেও দেখলাম, সে অনেকটা দুরে। আমি বেশ তাড়াতাড়ি স্রোতের তোড়ে  সরে সরে যাচ্ছিলাম যে, ক্রস কারেন্টে খুব তাড়াতাড়ি পায়ের নিচের বালি সরে যাচ্ছিল। সেইসময় জেলেটি বল্ল, ‘বসে পরুন’। আমি হাঁটুর ওপর ভর দিয়ে বসে পড়লাম, শরীরটা যতটা উঁচু রাখা যায় সেভাবে। তাতে আমার বয়ে যাওয়াটা আটকাল। তখন সমুদ্রের বড়  ঢেউটা ফিরে গেছে আর নতুন ঢেউ তৈরি হচ্ছে। আমার গলা অবধি জল, বসে আছি। মিম্মাই তাখন জলে নেমে এসেছে। ও বলছে, ‘বাবাই,  দাঁড়িয়ে পড়’। আমি দাঁড়াব কি, তখনও ওখানে যা তোড়, দাঁড়ালেই তো  ভেসে যাব! মিম্মাইর যখন হাত বাড়াতে বাড়াতে আমার হাত অবধি পৌঁছুল, তখন ওরও হাঁটুর ওপরে জল। ওর হাত ধরে উঠে দাঁড়িয়ে যত তাড়াতাড়ি পারি জল ভেঙ্গে পারে এলাম।

পারে এসে দেখি সতুদা আর বৌদি তখনও চরাতে। ওদের গল্প আরও অনেক অনেক বেশী ভয়ঙ্কর। সে গল্প আরেকদিন বলব। শুধু এইটুকুই বলে রাখি, ওরাও  চিত্রগুপ্তের খাতায়  নতুন করে নাম লিখিয়েছে।

গ্যাংটক২২ জুলাই ২০১৮


কোন ছবি দিতে পারলাম না। আমি যদিও  প্রাণ পেয়েছি,  কিন্তু  আমার  ফোনটি  বঙ্গোপসাগরের  জলে দেহ  রেখেছে।

Pandit Radhika Mohan Maitra’s pedagogy

It was the 1st of February 2021. I was leisurely thinking of my half-pant days, my school, my tiny sitar, Ustadjee. Suddenly my phone rang. It was Ms. Shailaja Khanna from New Delhi. Shailaja is a regular columnist of Music for several renowned Indian dailies. She wanted me to talk about the pedagogy of my Ustadjee and limit it to around 3 minutes. She told that she was planning to present a program on the 105th Birthday of Pandit Radhika Mohan Maitra on the TV channel Insync.

Shailaja Khanna
Shailaja Khanna

This sudden request was a tough test for me. To talk about Ustadjee’s teaching style and wrap up within 3 to 4 minutes was not easy as licking one’s favorite ice cream. I told Shailajajee to give me a little time. I wanted to identify some quick points and generate some deliverable concept on which the talk can stand. I said yes after two days. Here is the 3 min. 40 secs. video. 

Professor (Pt.) Sanjoy Bandopadhyay talking on his Guru Pandit Radhika Mohan Maitra

I could not adequately explain some points in the video. One was about prefixing such a phenomenal musician’s name with ‘Shri.’ Yes, you got it right, Ustadjee did not like his name to get prefixed by Pandit or the likes. He used to tell that he was Shri Radhika Mohan Maitra. 

Remembering Peejush Prasanna on 01 January 2009 evening

First Posted on August 15, 2012 by sitardivine

A Report by Sanjoy Bandopadhyay [copied from ‘Family Wiki’]

It was 6:15 in the evening, the call-bell rang. I got angry because I told everyone to keep the house gate unlocked – we were expecting our people to come. I thought it was Rushai who locked the door and I was about to shout at him – just then Mim commented – “Kuttipishi [Apun] has come”. I looked down from the first floor balcony and a pleasantly surprised to discover Mim was correct. Yes, it was my sweet Kuttididi and my sweet sis was confident that the door was locked – which was actually not so. She is such a good soul, simple and true!

I gave some good thoughts on how we can observe this first day of 2009 in the family. It was not easy for me to plan and manage. Finally we decided that it may be a simple one. The first thing I did was to take the phone out of the cradle and start dialing the few numbers that were almost my own numbers. It was nice to feel the warmth. Most of them said that they will make it – a few said that they won’t be able to – I could understand – After all, it was January 1, this is a day to celebrate, to go naughty, to have a special free day — to prepare for the year long routine – But, sure I did not reach all to whom I should have – thinking formally — No, it was January 01 for me too – so ‘’ Bura na mano – New Year day hai – “ Still, I can easily see I missed many. I especially missed Apu [Sandipan Mukherjee] – I shall tell you why when the time comes –

The clocked ticked by – I started getting nervous – and praying for the next soul to arrive. To my great pleasure Dada and Didin came. We were so happy! But yes, I missed some souls here too – but took caution and remembered not to ask anything — after all it was January 01. After sometime this little house was full – and I forgot everything – and started enjoying the collective consciousness – the consciousness created in a group of similar minds. I am glad that Dadabhai [Pranab] and Didibhai [Sathi] also made it. I knew how important was the 01 January evening for them too – but they chose to join us, I was very glad.

Everyone took care to first go to the thakurghar and pay their homage. It was very simple at the Thakurghar where we garlanded Thakur and Dadu-Thakuma with thick ‘Rajanigandhar mala’. Papa’s photo was just there on the table where Rakhi spread a clean white cloth. A pack of India Kings cigarette, a match box and a 100 gram Cadbury Milk Chocolate bar were there on the table as a treat to him. Rakhi read the ‘Satyanarayaner Panchali’ before Thakur. Kuttididi [Apun] joined her during the puja.

People actually arrived after the pujas was over. All went to put their homage [Pranam] to Thakur, and also Peejush Prasanna. Then we enjoyed two and a half hours uninterrupted joy! We just forgot time – we talked about Papa, we saw 145 old photographs and tried to put our brains to discover who they were! They were all our near ones – but we could not recognize many – Here Didin was the champion, she knew many of them – Dada was not behind – he also knew many – Mejdi also tried to help – Chhordi recognized some of her own photographs – It felt so good – such an enjoyable exercise—I am happy that Didin could not leave us early – and almost missed her appointment— I thought – all must go crazy – it was January 01. In between we were served tea in small plastic cups – I don’t know from where these came – I did not get them this morning. Actually, Rushai and I went to Lake Market to buy a few things including disposables – but we did not buy plastic cups— it must be Rakhi or Ma’s magic from old stock. Then we were served ‘Bake Club’ packets. Then someone told that we should have the ‘prasad’ first. So, Rakhi started the Prasad distribution arrangement. I must not forget to mention Dipankar, my student. Let me tell you Dipankar is an excellent flautist. He came around 4 in the afternoon. Since then he was busy in all the arrangements – be it heating the Chicken Piccadilly, vegetable patties or repacking them in the box and serving us.

The day ended with many promises – we promised to assemble periodically – we should remember the dripping love and affections of our seniors and should get inspired – We should spread the message of Love. We also remembered The ‘Absolute Truth’, which Papa used to propagate amongst his closest ones.

Before closing I must not forget to mention that Rushai took all the photographs – so it has become possible to create this photo-report.

Finally us, who assembled on this evening [typed without any specific sequence]: Didin [Swagata Banerjee], Dada [Mahiruha Shekhar Banerjee], Banudi [Arundhati Chakraborty], Baudi [Suchishubhra Mukherjee], Mejdi [Sushanta Siromoni], Chhordi [Samapika Sil], Tuki [Tuki Banerjee], Aindri [Aindrila banerjee], Nandada [Nandan Sil], Kuttididi [Sharmila Sivadasan], Rajada [Sivadasan], Dadabhai [Pranab Dutta], Didibhai [Sathi Dutta], Suju [Sulata Ghosh], Arun [Arun Ghosh], Mityl [Mityl Chakravarty], Manali [Manali Chakravarty], Bubu [Kastoori Guha Siromoni], Babi [Sushmita Siromoni], Tuntu [Ashmita Siromoni], Johny [Arunima Ghosh], Ratu [Ritwik Banerjee], Soma [Soma Banerjee], Rahuli [Arijit Mukherjee], Ishita [Ishita Mukherjee], Mainak [Mainak Banerjee], Dipankar [Dipankar Mukherjee], Anjanda [Anjan Chakraborty – joined late] and we in the house — Maa [Leela Banerjee], Juam [Rakhi Banerjee], Mimmai [Shreemoyee Banerjee], Rushai [Rrik Banerjee] and I [Sanjoy Bandopadhyay]. To end let me type down Papa’s writing that I found in a tiny piece of paper. He wrote it on 13 September 1983 at Khairagarh. You may also find this included in the composed photograph above.

Religion Universal
In universal religion

Relegare has to be found

And relegere is to be done;

It is holy and blissful,

The search for relegare

That which binds

Can nothing but Truth alone,

Not the relative, the absolute one.

Read again means repeatation

The absolute truth in meditation,

This can be had from one who knows

Otherwise there is no end of toils.

Peejush Prasanna Banerjee

SB’s note:

I take the opportunity to write the meanings of two words those are not in common use.

relegere = to read or pursue together; the same root goes to legible and intelligent

relegare = to tie back, to bind fast

Aum Satyam Aum

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Peejush Prasanna my Father: A Brief Tribute

First Posted on August 15, 2012 by sitardivine

It was January 01, 2009—- a Kolkata morning

When I woke up this morning, opened my eyes on the first day of 2009 – I felt a bit strange. I was not very happy when I believed it would be a happier new year.

Today is different from the first day of 2008. On the last new-year day we were differently busy. That was the day when Papa departed us and took to the zone of timeless oneness.

Then a year passed. It was extremely eventful for me. I did many things, met with many new people, many new experiences, and many new inspirations. It gave me richer understanding of life and creations. But the ability to receive them and interpret them came from within.

I always knew that all these happened because a specific soul was here from 06 June 1920 to 01 January 2008. At times I felt Papa more closely than I had him during some of the earlier years. Some of his thoughts are gradually becoming My Thoughts. I believe this is the chain that helps Human grow.

On this day I wish to remember some of his thoughts. I wish to remember how he used to explain The Truth. How he valued the general truth of life and human deeds. I also proudly remember his never ending support to the people who needed it. I remember his voracious reading of books. He read all the books in two sections of Khairagarh University library within a few months! He read day and night without much sleep. I remember the days when he almost did not sleep for months and kept sitting on his small bed. I remember his getting very angry with little reasons. I remember the 50 eggs at Khairagarh that Papa, Rakhi, one year old Mim and I ate at dinner! That was Rakhi inspired ‘Egg Day’. Actually the idea came from a scene from the Sofia Loren’s Sunflower. I also remember his days and nights with Harry Potter!

The comments that came when this page was in ‘Family Wiki’

We Especially Remember Him Today

Today we are especially remembering him – trying to feel his presence more strongly. His affectionate Didubhai, his first grandchild has left for her office. Mim is a great follower of her Tata [grandpa]. She thought that her Tata would want it this way. But, she will be back early to join everybody in the evening. Today we are trying to run the activities as Papa would like. The Thakurbhog with some nicely cooked food, later evening Puja of Satyanarayan and the get together of the people who he loved most.
Sanjoy Bandopadhyay


More Tributes 

Through the blessings of Lord Ram Thakur, we all assembled here to pay our highest regards / Pranams to Peejush Prasanna Banerjee. :: Pranab Dutta, 01 January 2009

I met Shri Peejush Prasanna, the father of my Guruji, Shri Sanjoy Bandopadhyay in 1980 at Khairagarh, whom i was lovingly addressing as Baba. He was a very kind, straight forward person with good guidance all the time. I pray God that his soul may always rest in peace.:: Dr R.Ramkalawon,Mauritius; 04 January 2009

My Kuttimama, Peejush Prasanna Banerjee, was my favourate Mama — because he liked me very much and he was fond of music. His sense of both vocal and instrumental music was beyond limits. When he used to play sitar the atmosphere of the place used to get surcharged with something great – it’s very difficult to exactly express that — I cannot express properly —– I would say, it used to become heavenly.

I also remember that once Kuttimama commented on me to my mother “ Bardi — Dekhbi akdin O kato kichhu karbe”. Kuttimamamr kathata bhebe ami eka eka chokher jal pheli aar ami nijeke santana dei je ato baro maper manushta Maa-ke oi katha bolechhilo.

Tanika Roy, Hyderabad

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